The Best Little Bookshop on the Bay!

2025 Events

6:00 PM18:00

Mary Naples - "Unsung Heroes: Women in the Ancient World"

Who were the unsung heroes? Seldom seen and rarely heard in the hyper-patriarchal ancient world, the only women written about were those who were maligned. Through extensive research and detailed analysis, Mary Naples has unearthed women's stories chronologically, beginning from the dawn of ancient Greece to the last vestiges of the Roman Empire. 

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4:00 PM16:00

Reading to Celebrate the Poetry of Jacqueline Kudler

Poets Terry Ehret, Kathy Evans, Alice Templeton, and Barbara Swift Brauer will be reading poems from the late Jackie Kudler’s work.

A long-time resident of Sausalito, Jackie taught classes in memoir writing and literature at the College of Marin in Kentfield for more than 30 years. A longstanding member of the Sausalito Women’s Club, she helped host the annual April poetry night.

In 1999, Jackie joined with six other Bay Area poets to found the prestigious regional poetry collective, Sixteen Rivers Press (

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6:30 PM18:30

Author Event: The Love of Birding with Keith Hansen Birds of Point Reyes and Hansen's Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada

Author Event at Mill Valley Public Library


Local artist, guide, and expert birder Keith Hansen (Birds of Point Reyes) celebrates the wild beauty and unique personalities of birds through stories, videos, and hand-drawn illustrations in this special After Hours program. In conversation with Point Blue Conservation Science’s Chief Science Officer Grant Ballard, just back from a penguin research trip in Antarctica. In this evening of all things birds, Keith will share stories about his journey to becoming a writer, illustrator, and professional birder as well as some exciting tales from birding adventures all over the world.

Registration Required

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6:00 PM18:00

Author Event Bruce Byers – Nature on the Edge In conversation with Mia Monroe

The remarkable Dr. Byers will be joining us from Virginia, to discuss his new book which is a “biography” of our bioregion – from ecological, social, cultural, and philosophical perspectives. It celebrates the extraordinary biodiversity of the California Coast and traces the history of efforts to conserve it, profiling the many conservation heroes/heroines who have worked so hard to improve the human-nature relationship here. A timely read with Earth Day in April.

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5:30 PM17:30

Book Club - Hotel Silence by Audur Ava Olafsdottir

Please note this is not our usual Second-Tuesday-of-the-Month discussion date. We are meeting a week earlier.

Hotel Silence

Audur Ava Olafsdottir

Shelby Van Meter will be the discussant 

A somewhat dark, but ultimately uplifting novel by an internationally acclaimed Icelandic author, this is a tender story about a recently divorced man on a life-changing journey into a war-torn country, where he finds the tools to mend the lives of those he encounters and himself. Winner of the Icelandic Literary Prize.

Sign up for the club at the shop or call 415.887.9967

Save the Date for our February Book Club

Tuesday, February 11th – James by Percival Everett

We meet at the bookshop 100 Bay Street, Sausalito

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