Slava Svitova
"Today I woke up to the sound of an explosion instead of my alarm clock. It turned out that 13 kamikaze-drones were attacking Kyiv early in the morning…”
“I was unloading 1,000 books out of my truck, carrying them up the stairs to my apartment with no lights on when the air raid sirens started going off.”
These are just some of the words Slava has shared with her mentor Sausalito resident Cynthia Nimmo over the course of their 6 month relationship. We are proud to bring Slava to our friends via Zoom to share her inspiring story as a first-time entrepreneur who has held steady to her dream of running the first, and only, publishing house in the Ukraine to feature women authors. Slava will share with us what she has learned about leadership, and how she has managed to thrive despite living with the daily unknowns of war-torn Ukraine. Please join us for this powerful conversation.
Slava Svitova, is co-founder of Creative Women Publishing; Cynthia Nimmo, is Chief Strategist for She the People
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